Hospital Sterile Services, Central Sterile Services Department (CSSD), Sterile Processing Department (SPD), Central Supply or whatever name is used, fact is that Sterile Services is the heart of a hospital. Without professionally decontaminated and sterilised medical instruments no hospital could operate efficiently for the highest patient safety.
Westfield Medical is a proud developer, manufacturer and supplier of sterilisation packaging, packaging materials and accessory products used in Sterile Services and Operating Theatres. Our extensive distributor network in over 70 countries covering all parts of the world is at your service supplying products meeting the most stringent standards of infection prevention and control.
Humipak – Moisture Retention Pouch
Unique and patented solution to keep post-surgical instruments in moist conditions facilitating fast and efficient decontamination process.
View the rangePremium Peel+ Pouches & Reels
Peel+ Pouch and Reels uses stronger base materials to give improved puncture resistance, shatterless film and an excellent fibre-free peelability characteristic.
High Quality Pouches and Reels
Westfield Medical’s sterilisation pouches are designed for easy and reliable sterilisation packaging of surgical instruments, up to the point of use.
Count Sheet Pouches
To avoid the risk of contaminating sterile instruments Westfield Medical created count sheet pouches made of nonmedical-grade paper and printed with non-medical ink.
Multi Pouches
Pocket pouches designed to provide protection for individual instruments during sterilisation and transport.
Tyvek Pouches and Reels
Wide range of Tyvek® pouches and reels that offer the highest strength and puncture resistance of any porous material.
Sterilisation Paper Bags
Heat Seal and Plain Closure Bags are designed for easy and reliable packaging of surgical instruments.
Sterilisation Wraps
Wide range of tray wraps (CSR wraps) in several sizes grammages and colours, including crepe papers, non-woven and SMS.
View the rangeTrayliners
Range of highly absorbent materials to prevent post-sterilisation excess moisture and to provide extra protection.
View the rangeAccessory Products
All relevant accessories for CSSD personnel, including baskets, trays, seal check tests, Bowie & Dick tests, sealing machines and much more.
View the rangeSealing Machine Services
Westfield Medical has a comprehensive response to customer demand and we introduced a comprehensive Support Service for all the Famos heat sealers and sterilisation department equipment.